Using Action Verbs and Accomplishments in Your Resume

Resume Genius: Career Resources for Jobseekers in 2023Crafting a standout resume can make the difference between receiving an interview or being passed over. Your resume creation  should be designed to highlight your skills, experiences, and accomplishments in a succinct and organized fashion. Here are some tips to help you create an effective and professional resume that stands out from the competition. 


Be Clear and Concise 


Your resume should be concise and clear so that potential employers can quickly identify your qualifications without getting lost in long-winded descriptions. Aim for 1-2 pages of content, using bullet points to highlight important information. You want to sound professional but also keep it concise enough that employers can easily review it. Additionally, make sure that all spelling and grammar are correct as employers will look for any mistakes as an indicator of attention to detail. 


Finally, don’t forget to include important contact information such as your phone number and email address. This way, employers can easily reach out to you if they are interested in discussing further opportunities. When it comes time to review resumes, most employers have a limited amount of time so make sure yours stands out from the crowd by being concise, clear, and well-written. With the right approach, you can make sure your resume catches their attention and helps you land that dream job.


Highlight Relevant Skills & Experiences 


When constructing your resume, focus on highlighting relevant skills or experiences for each job you’ve held. You don’t need to include every single job you have ever worked; instead, select those positions which are most pertinent to the position you’re applying for. Be sure to include any certifications or special training related to the job along with any awards or achievements you have received throughout your career. Also include any volunteer work or extracurricular activities related to the position if they demonstrate relevant skills such as leadership or problem solving ability. 


Include Contact Information 


It may seem like common sense but make sure all contact information is included on your resume so potential employers can reach out if needed. Include both a phone number and email address at the top of the document so that hiring managers know how best to get in touch with you quickly when necessary. It is also important that these contact details are kept up-to-date so if anything changes during your job search journey, update them accordingly!  


Creating an effective and professional resume is one of the best ways to stand out from other applicants competing for the same job opportunity. Make sure yours stands out by following these tips; use clear language, highlight relevant skills & experiences, include contact information, keep it short & sweet, check spelling & grammar errors! Doing this will ensure you leave a good impression with potential employers who view your document – which could mean more interviews for you! Good luck creating your perfect resume!