Lower Back Pain: Reasons and Exercises

You are not the only one to experience a severe lower back discomfort that prevents you from accomplishing some things that you want. The issue has now emerged as a severe worldwide issue. According to various sources and health experts, 80 percent of the overall individuals are facing this kind of pain in their day-to-day life which limits them from performing or participating in numerous activities. Due to lack of restrictions on everyday discipline, unhealthy and sedentary lifestyles, and due to doing exercise without any guidance, people often suffer from lower back pain. In that case, people may also approach a personal trainer London.

Have you ever thought about the causes of this lower back pain? Following are the causes mentioned.


  • Disc deformity

Back discs are vulnerable to accidents. With adulthood, this danger escalates. The disc’s outer layer may fracture, or disk hernia may occur. If the cartilage enveloping the disc strains against your spinal cord, it causes a disc hernia, sometimes referred to as just a ruptured disc. The cushioning between the vertebrae expands beyond its natural location.

  • Strains

Excessive activity may lead to swelling in the ligaments and muscles of the backbone. Lower back discomfort and rigidity, and also muscle aches, are typical problems. These conditions can be treated with proper rest, relaxation, and exercise, as the strain might occur due to overstretch, pull or improper use.

  • Stenosis

This is a condition that affects the spine. Whenever the vertebral column shrinks, it puts stress on the spine and nerves, causing stenosis of the spine. If there is too much strain on the nerves of the spines, then it may lead to weakness, numbness, or even cracking.

  • Sciatica

If a disc herniation compresses on the sciatic nerve, this can cause sciatica. This nerve runs from the spinal cord to the lower extremities. Therefore, sciatica may induce leg and foot pain. It generally affects only one side of your body and gives you a tingling sensation. It can also lead to controlling problems of the bowels but with the advice from an expert personal trainer surrey, you can get rid of this problem.

  • Irregular curvatures in the spine

Scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis are some of the most common disorders in which the spine curves abnormally or irregularly. These are hereditary disorders that are typically discovered in early adolescence.

Apart from the above-mentioned causes, there are several other causes of chronic lower back pain. The causes include spondylosis, spondylitis, fibromyalgia, arthritis.


You need not always visit a doctor for curing lower back stiffness, pain, disorder, or whatever it is. A routine exercise also plays a major role in curing such issues. There are various exercises recommended by experts that can assist in easing such discomforts.

The exercises are as follows:

  • Extension of back using any weight.
  • Simple back extension
  • Extension of back using a BOSU balance equipment.
  • Reverse hyperextension
  • Deadlifting
  • Bridge
  • Knee rolls
  • Partial crunch
  • Arches
  • Knees to chest
  • Flexion rotation
  • Tummy flops
  • Rotation of trunks

The Bottom Line

The personal trainer London can alert you about all possible consequences and guide people of any age group. A personal trainer London will guide you in the best possible way in such matters.

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