Safety measures to take before and after hair transplantation surgery

Hair replacement in good hands is a very safe procedure. As the procedure involves an area around critical structures, efforts should be made to find a suitable implant surgeon. This process involves hair restoration men follicles from areas of your body that have permanent or DHT-resistant roots. These hair grafts are then implanted in the bald area of ​​the recipient.

Hair transplant is very popular due to the excellent service provided by several reputable hair clinics. Some hair transplant doctors are world-famous and endowed with natural skills to perform world-class hair transplants by telogen effluvium treatment. Best of all, apart from the international level of service, the cost of furnishing in India is quite affordable.

As with all other non-surgical hair replacements, hair transplantation requires some precautions before and after surgery. Let’s look at the precautions before and after surgery.

Safety Measures Before Hair Transplant Surgery

There are a few important safety precautions that should be taken before implant surgery as described below.

  1. It is best to wear a button-up shirt before the procedure and for several days after the transplant.
  2. Strictly avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 3 days before planting. Smoking and drinking alcohol negatively affect healing caused by the vasoconstriction caused by these chemicals.
  3. If you are taking aspirin for any condition, you must get your doctor’s consent and stop taking it before surgery.
  4. Before the procedure, you must wash your hair as prescribed by your best hair transplant
  5. It is better not to neglect self-medication as it is not prescribed by a hair transplant surgeon.
  6. When you go out after shampooing, wear a hat before surgery.

Safety Measures After Hair Transplant

The implantation procedure follows several safety guidelines that must be strictly followed to avoid complications. Short-term side effects of surgery are rare and usually resolve on their own within a week of surgery.

  1. Swelling: This is a common result of hair transplantation NYC surgery and usually resolves within a week. It includes the forehead and can sometimes extend to the eyebrows. Patients are advised to raise their heads to 45 degrees for at least 3-5 nights of sleep. Among them, the clinic provides a headband, which can be worn for more than 4-5 hours a day and can be worn for about 2 days.
  2. Itching: This is usually unavoidable after implantation and disappears in about a week. Usually, no intervention is needed to treat the itching, but care must be taken not to damage the recipient area. Scratching can remove the hairs or lead to infection of the transplanted hairs. Included hair transplant surgeon prescribed shampoos and lotions are recommended.